Saturday, May 31, 2008


Woman in red

I Speak two Languages, Body and English ???

Walk & Talk ..!


Children You spend the first two years of
their life teaching them to walk and talk.

Then you spend the next 16 years
telling them to sit down and be quiet...!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Dental Records ...?

I can't understand how they identified the
air crash victims by their Dental Records,if
they don't know who you are, how do they
know who your Dentist is ???

Brushing Teeth

Thursday, May 29, 2008

So Surprised...!

Baby Kiss

When I was Born, I was So Surprised
that I didn't Talk for a Year and a Half !!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Friday, May 23, 2008

My Name...!

Until I was thirteen, I thought My Name was ' Shut Up.'!!!

Shut up

Counting Sheep...!

You know you should go to Sleep when the
Sheep you Counting start to hit the Fence!!!

Sheep Count

Here's to ME...!

Here's to you and Here's to me, and I hope we Never Disagree.
But, if that should ever be, to HELL with You, Here's to ME !!!



I'm Allergic to food. Every time I eat it breaks out into Fat !!!


Thursday, May 22, 2008

Take a Break...!

Once a while you have to Take a Break and visit Yourself !!!

Thinking man


At my age I do what a wise man did. I get my daily paper,
look at the Obituaries page and if I'm not there I carry on as usual !!!

frankenstein reading newspaper


Remember there is no ( I ) in a Team ...
( But there is only an M and an E ) !!!


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Friday, May 16, 2008

In Common…!

The Magician and the Politician have much in Common:
they both have to draw our attention away from what
they are really Doing !!!

Karate magic

Worried About …!

Remember, Today is the Tomorrow you Worried about Yesterday !!!

Running Weds

Mistake Reminder…!

Anniversary just Reminds you of what a Mistake you Made !!!

Man angry

Never Know ...!

Doing Nothing is very hard to Do ...
You Never Know when you're Finished !!!

Drink relax

Men are Good ...!

All Men are Good - good for nothing, or good for something !!!

Broke man

Believe in Something…!

A man’s got to believe in something.
I believe I’ll have another drink !!!


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What is SEX ???

Alarm clock
An 8-year-old girl went to her dad, who was working in the garage. Daddy, what is sex The father was surprised that she would ask such a question, but decided that if she was old enough to ask the question, then she was old enough to get a straight answer. He proceeded to tell her all about the 'birds and the bees. When he finished explaining, the little girl was looking at him with her mouth hanging open. did you ask that question, honey? Mom told me to tell you that dinner would be ready in just a couple of SECS.

Nobody Cares...!

If you think nobody cares if you're alive,
Try missing a couple of car payments!!!

Man talking

Woman's Birthday...!

A Gentleman is a man who always remembers a Woman's Birthday
but never remembers her Age !!!


The Formula _A = X + Y + Z_ ???

Albert Einstein

If A equals Success, then the Formula is _A = X + Y + Z_.

X is Work.Y is Play. Z is Keep your Mouth Shut !!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Criticize Someone ...!

Before you Criticize Someone, walk a Mile in their Shoes,
That way, you'll be a mile from them and you'll have their Shoes !!!
Walking Shoes

Water and Land ...!

As the Earth is 2/3 Water and 1/3 Land,
it is clear that our time should be divided.
2/3 Fishing and 1/3 Work.



Speech man 2

Ninety six percent of the politicians give the other four percent
a bad reputation !

Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and
murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to
pure wind !

Politicians are people who, when they see light at the end of the
tunnel, go out and buy some more tunnel !

Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build bridges
even when there are no rivers !

Everything is changing. People are taking their comedians
seriously and the politicians as a joke !

Monday, May 12, 2008

Big Problem ...!

There's no Problem so Big and Complicated that it can't be Run Away from!!!

Man runingaway

A Drink a Day...!

A Drink a Day keeps the Shrink Away !!!

Wine Bottle

New Survey…!

Man reading

Someone has come out with a New Survey ; Apparently,
Three Out of Every Four People Make up 75 Percent of
the Population ??????

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Life is Short ...!

Life is Short ,
Don't waste time worrying about what people think of you !!!

Beer Consumption ...!

Full empty beer

The FDA is considering additional Warnings on Beer and Alcohol
Bottles, such as:

WARNING: consumption of alcohol may make you think you are
whispering when you are not.

WARNING: consumption of alcohol is a major factor in dancing
like an asshole.

WARNING: consumption of alcohol may cause you to tell the
same boring story over and over again until your friends want

WARNING: consumption of alcohol may cause you to thay
shings like thish.

WARNING: consumption of alcohol may lead you to believe
that ex-lovers are really dying for you to telephone them at
4 in the morning.

WARNING: consumption of alcohol may leave you wondering
what the hell happened to your pants.

WARNING: consumption of alcohol may cause you to roll over
in the morning and see something really scary (whose species
and or name you can't remember).

WARNING: consumption of alcohol is the leading cause of
inexplicable rug burns on the forehead.

WARNING: consumption of alcohol may create the illusion
that you are tougher, handsomer and smarter than some really,
really big guy named Thor.

WARNING: consumption of alcohol may lead you to believe
you are invisible.

WARNING: consumption of alcohol may lead you to think people
are laughing WITH you.

WARNING: Consumption of alcohol may cause an disruption in the
space-time continuum, whereby small (and sometimes large) gaps
of time may seem to "disappear."

WARNING: Consumption of alcohol may actually CAUSE pregnancy.

Black and White ...!

Love is Black and White until you fall in Love !!!

smiley love

Friday, May 9, 2008

Most Common Elements ...!

The two Most Common Elements in the Universe are
Hydrogen and Stupidity. But not in that order !!!