Wednesday, March 12, 2008

If I sleep?

Wife : If I sleep with your best friend what
will be the first thought to come in your mind?

Husband :That you are a Lesbian.!

Boyfriend Girlfriend ...!

A boyfriend and his girlfriend, go out for an ice cream cone,

Boyfriend : May I ask for something?

Girlfriend : Of course, why not.

Boyfriend : But I am afraid you may misunderstand me.

Girlfriend : Don’t worry.

Boyfriend : Can I have a lick?

Girlfriend : sure (she gave him the ice cream).

Boyfriend : I told you , you'll misunderstand me !!!


kisses ...!

Some men kiss their wife goodbye when they leave
the house By Car
Some men kiss their house & Car goodbye when they
leave their wife.

Wedding Ring ...!

One woman said to another, "Aren't you wearing
your Wedding Ring on the Wrong Finger?"

The other replied, Yes, I am, I Married the Wrong Man !!!
Pink Ice Ring

In the Sky ...

Astronomy ; To look in the sky and see stars.

Astrology ; To look up and see lions and virgins
and other spooky creatures!

Mimics ...

Children are natural mimics who act like their parents,
despite every effort to teach them good manners !

Simpsons Runing

My First Time ... !

The sky was dark The moon was high
We were alone just her and I.

Her hair was soft Her eyes were blue
I knew just what he wanted to do.

Her skin so soft Her body so hot
I didn't know if I should or not.

But with my courage I did my best
I laid my hands upon her breast.

I remember my fear as I felt her heart
Then slowly spread Her legs apart

And when I did I felt no shame.
All at once the white stuff came

I shivered and shook For I didn't know how
This was my first time milking a Cow.