Tuesday, April 7, 2009

You Know What You Have To Do...!

The grossest thing for me to see
is my bathroom floor all full of pee

Why can't they make it in the bowl?
Don't they see-there is a hole?

Out in the woods they think it's cute
to see how far a guy can "shoot."

But in the house, it's plain to see...
there is a bowl in which to pee

(It's usually white and kinda round
you hit the water, not the ground.)

Why can't they make it in the bowl?
Is it a problem with control?

If not control, then tell me why...
they make the bathroom such a sty?

Come on guys, get a clue!
You know what you have to do

Be a human not a pig
and don't forget to lift the lid.

When your done, make it flush
don't always be in such a rush.

Then take the lid and push it down
(don't made us women feel like clowns)

Falling in, it is not fun-
getting water on your bums

Zip up your pants and you're all done
now wasn't that alot of fun??

Keep this little poem in mind~
your woman will find you very kind.

A Prayer ...!

Dear LORD,
I pray for Wisdom to understand my man,
Love to forgive him, Patience for his Moods.

Because LORD, if I pray for Strength,
I'll beat him to Death.

Eye Contact ...!

Many Men have Difficulty looking a Woman Directly in the Eyes,
not Necessarily due to Shyness, but usually due to the fact that
a Woman's Eyes are not Located in her Chest.!!!